
Welcome to Restaurant Manager site! This webpage is a place where new and experience managers can find tool, topics, share ideas and more….

Tools: Order Guide

Free Restaurant Order Guide. Import you order to PFG, US Foods Sysco and more..

Need help importing order to other vendors send an email to


Jose Salazar have manage restaurant for over 20 years. He has held different positions form kitchen manager, Executive Chef and General Manager. Worked for different concepts like T.GI Fridays, Dave & Busters, Chuy’s.

I would like to share the skill and knowledge that I acquire over the past 20 years. I would love for other Profecinal to do the same on this site as well.

I am a self-taught computer programmer and still learning. I know how to build websites, iOS apps and any api to automate systems. I want to keep using my skills to build tools for restaurants.


Problem Tree Theory

The Problem Tree Theory illustrates the need to accurately identify the problem by focusing on the root and not the symptoms of the problem. THEORYYou will engage in problem solving regularly. To get through the problem solving process, don’t get lost in the branches (or symptoms). Look for the root of the problem. Accurately identifying …

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